Thursday, April 10, 2008


It took me quite a while to get the whole microphone thing going first of all. Then I realized that I just am not fluent enough to record without a script. After writing that, the recording went a little better. Not being very techie or even handy, it took me a while to transfer this to an mp3 file. But I did it and it is sitting on my desktop. And now it is on podbeam:

Friday, April 4, 2008

Blue 2.0 Review

Just going back over all the assignments for each Blue 2.0 section to see if anything is left to do. I noticed that I had not blogged about instant messaging but I did set up the account and try it out using AIM. It definitely has its purpose although it can be a little distracting when you are in the middle of a project! We have been testing Crafty Librarian this week so the instant messaging was a good rehearsal for that and I think we are going to try doing this from the reference desk while we are on our two hour shifts there.

I think the only thing I have not done yet is the podcast. I did go through the unit and listen to several of them. I will try to get that done next week. Not having a microphone here has been a small obstacle. But I realize there are some at Young that we can borrow.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

More Social Networking

In addition to my accounts on Facebook and MySpace, I now have a linked in account. The address for this is: I am interested in explore this more. Also am going to explore ping since I keep hearing that name, but don't know yet if I will set up an account for that. I feel a little quilty taking up all this space on these sites! Feelin piggy.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Social Networking
Feeling a little odd posting my identify on Facebook and MySpace. Even took one of those pictures of myself that my daughter is always doing. Is this making me younger? I was more familiar with MySpace than Facebook as I have been a lurker at my daughter's invitation. Setting them up seemed about the same level of difficulty to me. I liked being able to add my son in law's song on My Space. Take a couple of minutes to listen to it. He is a great songwriter and performer. My MySpace address is My Facebook is I need to spruce up the Facebook profile but there I at least have some friends!

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Have established my Flickr account and uploaded some photos to it. I organized three sets of photos --- some of grandchildren, some pets, and some from Nancy's wedding. I have used snapfish before to organize photos but it is nice to try other systems. I also set up an account so I can upload photos from my cell phone. I will try that next. I would take a photo now but the cell phone does not work down in the depths of the medical center library basement! To go to my Flickr photos...

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The end of lesson 7/8

Went back to review the playing section so I could report the activity. I worked with the onliine photo editors, created an igoogle page, set up a twitter account, found some neat stuff I could use for work on slideshare, and explored sites via Technorati. So many possibilities!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Play? I've been doing it. Been working with the photograph editors. Fun. Also, did some work in play on slideshare. Found some good slide ideas for our grand rounds talk in April. Also set up another wiki related to work. This is in progress still. It is meant to be a quick guide for clinicians to find the right type of information for their clinical questions. Here is the site: If it looks helpful, it might be part of the grand rounds on what clinicians need to know. Going to work on the advanced blogging next. Was very impressed with the Dean's Blog. Oh, and also set up an Igoogle web page with some neat links.
Yup. Having fun. And learning.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Posting using Google Docs: One thing I realized after working on the project is that I way too many logons and passwords. I am wondering how others keep track of all these. Even when you try to keep a fairly consistant logon and password, this is often defied by system requirements and systems (mainly UK's) where you have to change your password periodically. My terrible system of little notes and pieces of paper in a folder has reached its limit of usefulness!!

My other thought is that I certainly wish that I had purchased Google stock when it first went public. Wow, they are into everything. They went from a company name to a verb in only a few short years. I put their RSS feed on my bloglines. I am liking the ease of getting into, however, and may try their feed system also.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

I must say that it is a little ironic to be writing about tagging when my name is Tag. I actually had set up a delicious account previously but I pretty much had not done much with it. So after completing Lesson 5, I think I understand this a lot more and can see how you can "connect" with others with similar interests as well as be able to locate your favorite internet sites when you are not at your desk. My account on is taheis.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


I am glad to finally know what the word 'wiki' means! OK, I set up my wiki. Rick and Susan and I are working on a presentation for the College of Medicine Grand Rounds in April and I decided to try using a wiki for working on this. The address for the wiki is: That is short for our working title for the program What Clinicians Need to Know about the Library in the Internet Age. I invited Rick and Susan to join the wiki. (Susan had invited me to join her wiki that is all about clinical medical librarians. I am trying to think of something to post to it. Seems like a wiki with no work is pwetty woanly.) So we will see if this helps in doing this group project.

I am enjoying my RSS feeds also and coming up with new blogs every day that I want to add.

Also ran across a "blicki", a blog that you can post to. ??

Friday, February 1, 2008

Learning Stuff

And that answered my last do you know what is happening on blogs you like. Now I know! I have set up some feeds and can now keep up with Orangette. It was a little discouraging, just when I thought I was getting to know things, when I subscribed to one of the library blog sites and was confronted with the terms tags and cloud tags. I clearly do not know what those are. Maybe we will be learning it later. Meanwhile, back to Orangette. I made her lemon yogurt cake and it was wonderful. I also ordered some books she recommended in her store. They were not quite as wonderful but they were interesting.

I also subscribed to wired and slate as I have often gone to those sites to read recommended articles. Guess I will explore some more possible feeds. Don't know that I am ready for flickr feeds yet. But I am learning!

Thanks to our great Staff Development Committee and all they are organizating for us. I could actually work full time just on developing--if I only had time!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Day 2 of my blog. Progress to report from yesterday...I decided to look at some of the "favorite" blogs on and was intrigued with the one with the name "Orangette." The author is a cook from Seattle who writes a great blog. I not only found some great recipes to try, including one that looks wonderful that is a lemon yogurt cake, I found her recommendations for a great children's books author who writes about a French dog who does extraordinary things. Then I ordered two of the books on Amazon. I am beginning to feel a little ADHD--bouncing from one thing to another. But Orangette was certainly inspirational. I found a link from there to a video of Molly, the author, and her husband, Brandon, who met because of the lemon cake recipe on her blog. Wow, all from a blog! The power of connectivity...

Monday, January 14, 2008

Now that I have mine own blog, I have writer's blog. I cannot imagine anyone will want to read this. I just have to keep in mind that this is an exercise!