Friday, February 1, 2008

Learning Stuff

And that answered my last do you know what is happening on blogs you like. Now I know! I have set up some feeds and can now keep up with Orangette. It was a little discouraging, just when I thought I was getting to know things, when I subscribed to one of the library blog sites and was confronted with the terms tags and cloud tags. I clearly do not know what those are. Maybe we will be learning it later. Meanwhile, back to Orangette. I made her lemon yogurt cake and it was wonderful. I also ordered some books she recommended in her store. They were not quite as wonderful but they were interesting.

I also subscribed to wired and slate as I have often gone to those sites to read recommended articles. Guess I will explore some more possible feeds. Don't know that I am ready for flickr feeds yet. But I am learning!

Thanks to our great Staff Development Committee and all they are organizating for us. I could actually work full time just on developing--if I only had time!

1 comment:

Stacey Greenwell said...

Tag, glad you are enjoying the program. Using RSS feeds is one of my favorite new-ish technologies. We will be learning about tagging in the next assignment (you'll also learn more about finding even more feeds!)